You’ve Got Two Options When Dealing with Setbacks

So it’s best to stop beating yourself up.

AM Costanzo
4 min readApr 10, 2021

Failures are insanely important in life. If you haven’t failed at something, you’re missing out.

Failures are indicators and if you know how to properly interpret them instead of throwing your hands up and wailing to the gods in search of answers as to why you’re so failure-prone, you can without a doubt begin living a significantly better life.

Because we all want to live better. And failures show us how.

1. Welcome failures because you figured out how not to do something.

If you’re confident in yourself, meaning failures don’t equate to endless negative chatter about how you’re no good, you’re not talented enough, or gifted, or smart — if you can ignore any BS talk like that, then failures are your friends.

When you talk about them with others and not feel like they define you, you’re primed to start again.

I’m proof.

I’ve been in personal training for over a decade and I’ve had more failures than you could imagine. I’ve tried outdoor classes that lasted only a few weeks due to poor sign-up rates.



AM Costanzo

Accountant turned Graphic Designer turned Personal Trainer turned Writer. I write about wellness, mindfulness, fitness and doing that thing that lights you up!