Member-only story
Inner Peace: It’s Possible to Access It Whenever You Want
This works especially well when you’re freaking out.
“How we spend our days, is, of course, how we spend our lives.” Annie Dillard
It’s a slow metamorphosis. Taking months, years, or perhaps a decade or two, but the time will come when you realize how everything you’ve done, every choice you’ve made, no matter how slight and mundane, or massive and course-correcting, has placed you squarely at this point in time
Every single bit of minutia matters. Habits, thoughts, routines, pipe dreams, goals, and how you set off on your path — your speed, gait, how often you stop to look around, or how you keep your head down and plow through — our approach to life is significant and it’s easy to lose sight of.
Having recently taken a momentary step to the side to reassess where I am in life, I’ve come to realize that I’m way off course.
The most obvious culprit is the never-ending stream of chatter that goes on in my head. Every day I go head-to-head with my inner bully — she runs the show and she’s not a very big fan of mine.
How we spend our days and the things we engage in is how we spend our lives, but I think there’s a deeper layer to this.