How Well Do You Do Self-Love?

Self-love is the greatest middle finger of all time.

AM Costanzo


Remember, you have been criticizing yourself for years and it hasn’t worked. Try approving of yourself and see what happens. — Louise Hay

If you’re one of those people who go off on yourself, sometimes out of friggin’ nowhere — you actually stop yourself and think where the f*ck did that come from — it’s time to change your tune, break the thought pattern, and do something radical. It’s time for some self-love intervention because you’re not doing self-love all that well.

And that’s ok because there are so many things that can turn it around and have you living your life in an entirely new way.

Best part? You can do this with as little woo-woo surrounding it as possible. We’re going to leave the energy cleanses, chakras, and burnt sage for another day. The five prompts are mindset shifts you can begin working with immediately, and if I may interject a word of advice before beginning… when first working on changing your narrative, try taking on the tone of your best friend’s voice. That means begin by speaking to yourself as only your best friend would because they’d never be hard on you or come close to saying half the things you say to yourself. They’d keep it real, and it’s best if you do too.

Here are the five things that can really do a number on your narrative and get you, dare I say, excited to be you!

Make peace with your past.

So what that you screwed up 20 years ago, or something bad happened that created a dramatic shift in your life. The fact remains, none of it will change.

Not one little teeny tiny second of it will change. Every choice you’ve made and everything that’s happened in your life up to this point is exactly why you’re here. You can’t go back and change things, so it would make sense that now would be as good a time as any to begin doing things differently if you’re unhappy. Not 10 or 20 years ago… not even 20 hours ago. Now.

Acceptance is going to be your biggest ally in all of this. It’s not until you’re able to accept everything that’s happened — the…



AM Costanzo

Accountant turned Graphic Designer turned Personal Trainer turned Writer. I write about wellness, mindfulness, fitness and doing that thing that lights you up!