How to Find Little Pockets of Joy Scattered Throughout Your Day

It’s up to your Storyteller how many you find

AM Costanzo
4 min readFeb 7, 2022
Photo by Daoudi Aissa on Unsplash

The other day — after what I considered to be a damn good meditation session — I wrote this down:

So many things can change in life when there are no stories attached to them.

It was one of those beautiful, incandescent, and extremely rare flashes of insight that conveniently made its way into my consciousness between making lunch for the kids and my 9 am sit down at my desk to figure out my life — because yes, I still haven’t figured it all out. Don’t think I ever will.

On a good day (hardly ever), I find 15 minutes to quiet my incessant storyteller that has something to say about EVERYTHING.

If you know this voice in your head, I don’t have to describe it to you — you’ve foxtrotted into its tangled mess before.

But every now and then it gives you something for your troubles: Incredible insight into the stupidity of our assiduous mind activity.

Think about it… when was the last time you looked at anything and had nothing to say about it? When nothing came to mind, you were literally an opinionless clean, blank slate?



AM Costanzo

Accountant turned Graphic Designer turned Personal Trainer turned Writer. I write about wellness, mindfulness, fitness and doing that thing that lights you up!