3 Easy Ways To Get Into The Right Mindset for Exercise

AM Costanzo
4 min readFeb 27, 2019
Fill it to the brim!

When you create the right mindset around working out, you can quite literally change your life!

There is so much more that goes into exercise than simply pulling on a pair of yoga pants, lacing up your shoes and tying back your hair. Lord knows there is so much more! There is the internal struggle, the ‘should I stay or should I go’ conversation, the good intentions only to ever so easily waver at the first sign of trouble…

What? I don’t have any clean socks? I can’t go out with dirty socks, that’s gross. Let me do a quick load and theeeeeen I’ll head out.

I’m hungry. Do I have to wait at least 30 minutes before exercising after eating? Or is that only with swimming? Well, either way, I don’t want to be all crampy and uncomfortable. I’ll eat now and try going later.

Ugh, I really need a pedicure. It’s been weeks and I only have time for either a pedicure or a workout… but I can’t stand looking at my toes in the shower, pedicure it is!

You feel me right?

We can pretty much justify any reason whatsoever to avoid the pain of actually having to muster up the mental fortitude to work out. It’s mental warfare. It’s so easy to simply avoid it altogether. And many of us do just that. Avoid. Ignore. Put off for another day.



AM Costanzo

Accountant turned Graphic Designer turned Personal Trainer turned Writer. I write about wellness, mindfulness, fitness and doing that thing that lights you up!